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​Kilka słów od Andrei Anastasiego dla Volleyballworld-pl

Dzisiaj mamy zaszczyt przedstawić nam nasz autorski wywiad z Andreą Anastasim. W sobotę w nocy napisałyśmy do naszego Coach ... i w kilka minut odpowiedział nam na prośbę o malutki wywiad . Poprawiamy wam humor i przekazujemy go do przeczytania !
*wywiad oryginalny , tłumaczenie wkrótce się ukaże.

VBW-pl : How did your volleyball adventure started?

Andrea Anastasi :I start to play at volley at 10 year hold

VBW-pl : Why did you choose volleyball as your life path?
Andrea Anastasi :All chose to play football but I am being very curious I chose volleyball and the teacher would become a master of my life and my work


VBW-pl: What encouraged you to start a cooperation with Poland national team and what were your thoughts before coming to Poland?
Andrea Anastasi :I remember very well the great players of past, when I was young I followed the exploits of this great team. When the pzps hask to me I felt honored and grateful to work for a team with so much tradition. before you start working with the team I always thought that I had available a good team with which to build an interesting journey


VBW-pl: How do you assess the work with Poland national team in comparison to Italy national team?
Andrea Anastasi :You can not make comparisons, every team, every country has its own characteristics. I think in the peculiarities of my team


VBW-pl: The next season won’t be as hard and tiring as the previous one, what are your expectations for the next year?
Andrea Anastasi :I want once again a team that must fight and must try to improve day by day


VBW-pl: Is the squad of our national team going to change?
Andrea Anastasi :we are the fourth team in the world and try to improve our ranking


VBW-pl: We may be happy about about the squad of our group for European Championship in 2013, but should we?

Andrea Anastasi :Sometimes apparently weaker teams may surprise.We must learn to have respect for all our opponents think and grow as a team

VBW-pl: What do think the performance of Poland national team during the European Championship is going to be like?
Andrea Anastasi :Can we reach a higher place than in 2011?every tournament is very difficult, what interests me is a philosophy: “always try”

VBW-pl: In this short period of time working with our national team, you have achieved so much. Do you feel like being under pressure for achieving more and more?
Andrea Anastasi :Is my life, try to improve myself and always make sure that my team grow technically and in terms of the results

VBW-pl: Everyone claim that the atmosphere during the volleyball matches in Poland is amazing. After so many games here does it still impress you?
Andrea Anastasi :it's amazing the emotions that I feel in Poland, fans is unique and magical

VBW-pl: Why do Polish people like volleyball so much? We have noticed an increasing popularity of volleyball in our country during the years.
Andrea Anastasi :You have to explane to me, I don’t know but I am realy happy to be your coach

VBW-pl: Is it hard to tame a group of dozen adult men? Because it is said that Polish players like to have control over everything.
Andrea Anastasi :Is hard to have Andrea Anastasi like a coach, belive me….

VBW-pl:And the last question, where does the power and strength of our national team come from? How do they find the will to fight and overcome difficulties?
​Andrea Anastasi :I admire and respect the determination, will and intelligence of young Poles . This guys want arrive on the top.

*wywiad przygotowany przez 'redakcję' volleyballworld-pl , wszelkie błędy i konstrukcje językowe błędne w odpowiedziach są błędami Anastasiego, nie mamy zamiaru w żaden sposób ich poprawiać.

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